Contact us
You are always welcome to contact Chas. Hude’s patent and trademark consultants if you want to discuss your IPR strategy or have questions answered regarding patents, trademarks, utility models or design protection.
You are always welcome to contact Chas. Hude’s patent and trademark consultants if you want to discuss your IPR strategy or have questions answered regarding patents, trademarks, utility models or design protection.
Chas. Hude A/S
Langebrogade 3B
1411 Copenhagen K
Telefon: +45 33 19 34 00
Telefax: +45 33 19 35 00
Chas. Hude A/S
Marselisborg Havnevej 36
8000 Aarhus C
Telefon: +45 33 19 35 60
Telefax: +45 33 19 35 61
Have a chat with one of our advisors. They have an eye for the possibilities of your idea and can ask you the right business-critical questions about how the copyright for your case is obtained.
Together we find the protection that suits you and your business. And remember, the first advice is always free.
Monday to Thursday: 8:30 - 16:00 Friday: 8:30 - 15:30
Public holidays 2023
Thursday 6 April – Monday 10 April. Both days included.
General Prayer Day
Friday 13 May
Ascension Day
Thursday 18 May
Monday 29 May
Constitution Day
Monday 5 June
Monday 25 December - Thuesday 26 December